I remember while Tina Sciabica, the then Executive Director, READ Global, came to India from USA, Dr Praveen Agarwal, the Advisory Board member of READ India arranged a luncheon meeting with Mr Darshan Singh, Founder, Socio Demographic Society (SOS), based in Gurgaon, at DLF Club Gurgaon. The purpose was how READ Community Library and Resource Centre could be established in his ancestral village, Devli, Bharatpur district, Rajasthan. He said he has the land and construct the library for the villagers with the simple thought of giving back to the villagers for holistic development of the community. He kept his promise and started construction. Within six months the building was ready. The inauguration was done in 2012. The sense of satisfaction was visible on his face. In one of the discussions, Mr Darshan Singh said, this building is dedicated to the villagers with the support of READ India. Till the time READ India is able to empower communities and communities are able to self-sustain the programmes, I will be the happiest person and always stand with you all.
The READ Centre, the building, the villagers, the stakeholders, all joined hands to work together. Education, pre-school, women livelihood, access to ICTS and youth development are the programmes continuously running since it’s inception.
Tina Sciabica visited the Centre on her next visit to India and was amazed to see the progress. HP computer lab on wheels providing training to youth on IT skills; women making cotton durries, villagers making pickle and edible oil were the variety of products made by the villagers for self -sustaining the Centre.
The confidence in the staff to work towards their own growth and the community is seen in the passion of Kusum Lata and Pushpender.
We have reached to 2864 children, 6123 youth, 2501 women and 200 farmers with needed knowledge to save their crops are a few highlights.
Pre-school was highly appreciated by the villagers making the toddlers learn with Montessori education and the young women trained as Nursery teachers. This will continue once we are out of pandemic.
Women are being given equipment to weave durries to sell online. A group of women would also be trained on weaving as they have already been trained on spinning.
As READ India quite often visit the READ Centre, Mr Darshan Singh has been so thoughtful of constructing the rooms on the first floor with kitchen attached so that the staff can stay, cook the food, if required, with basic comforts.
This is what READ India speaks about wonderful partnerships and working with rural communities with strong community participation, community engagement and community ownership.
A group of like-minded people can bring realistic social change where communities join hands and passion is transferred with dedication and commitment resulting Passion in Action by All!